Cute little chubby cheeks

While William was gone to LA for a few days, I decided to be crazy and cut some bangs. It's been 16 years since I had bangs. I'm not totally sure if I love them, but I guess it's too late now. The picture doesn't really show them well. I mostly just wanted to show Ivy wearing her cute little hat and the sunset was beautiful in the background.


Kimberly said...

i really like the bangs. Every once in a while we just need a change and hair is the best way to get it accomplished. Looking cute too Ivy!

Amy Beatty said...

Little ivy can sit up now!! She is so cute. I'm always pretty dangers to my self when I get too much time on my hands. Yours turned out very well.

{Marie Long} said...

I have had bangs off and on for about 5 years now. I still can't make up my mind on what look I like most. I think they look good on you. I've never seen you with bangs. :)

Sunny said...

you totally look like your mom with the bangs. i think they are cute.

Glory Watts said...

You look Fab!! I'm too chicken to try bangs, so good for you for being brave and bold.